

Degrees and Certifications:

Ms. T Keeler


I am very excited to be teaching your student Art! I am into my 4th year of teaching. Before being your student's art teacher, I taught in PA and West Virginia.

I love teaching art, it has brought a lot of joy and purpose to me and I hope to continue teaching art for years to come. I am still an artist outside of my job, which also

helps me keep my skills honed so I can better impart my skills to your student(s). I am certified in Trauma Informed Practices, and strive to have positive relationships with

all of my students. 


K-5 starts the school year by breaking down the Elements of Art, starting with the element of line. Each grade does different projects/activities around that common learning. 

goal. As we move through the school year we will experiment with different materials, learn best practices of using those materials, and get to know each other!


6-8 start the school year learning about the Elements of Art, just like K-5. However, expectations for middle schoolers are higher and the projects are more involved.

Although work gets more involved, they also get the chance to have choice in regards to their work and to explore themselves more in regards to their work.


High School

We begin Week 1 with drawing fundamentals, then Week 2 is painting fundamentals.

Then, after that, we switch to a TAB format where I demo a skill at the start of class and students plan out their projects. 

Students have to meet with me so I can check that they are meeting requirements, but they get to plan their project revolving around the skills I demo.

I will also pull students who are interested in learning animation on the iPad and drawn by hand  animation in a FlipBook.



If you have any questions let me know! :)
