How to Reach Us
McKinley Elementary
933 East 22nd Street
Erie, PA 16503
FAX 814-874-6875
Email Us
Principal Jackie Bull
Assistant Principal Nicole Postosnak
Secretary Carol Niedzwiecki
Nurse Lindsay Bernardini
Community Director Amy Grande
Case Manager Jennifer Crance
Guidance Counselor Symphony Fowler
Attendance Monitor mckinleyattendance@eriesd.org
Mental Health Specialist Ms. Arrington
Mission, Beliefs, Motto
Vision Statement
McKinley students will continue to become safe, productive, members of society by respecting others, showing empathy, and confidently setting goals to become life-long learners to achieve their full potential.
Mission Statement
We dedicate ourselves to cultivating a safe community that openly welcomes and inspires every person to be here, safe, and kind.
Equity Statement
Every person, staff member, child, and family will receive what they need to develop their full academic, emotional, and social potential while maintaining high expectations.
School-wide Beliefs
We are Here, Safe, and Kind.
As members of McKinley Elementary Community School:
*We have high expectations for all students and believe all students can achieve those high expectations.
*We differentiate instruction so that all students have the ability to be career and college ready.
*We build relationships of trust and respect with our students, their families, and each other.
*We will foster a positive learning environment by building community within our classrooms and building.
*We will utilize data to collaborate with students, their families, and each other to drive instruction.
McKinley Motto
You don't have to be the best, just do your BEST.Be involved in school.Explore to Learn.Stay on course.Teach others what you have learned.
Welcome to McKinley
McKinley has an enrollment of about 500 students in grades Pre-K to 5. Included in these grades are three Life Skills Classrooms and three ESL classrooms, which represent families from Nepal, Iraq, Bosnia, Burma, Burundi, Afghanistan, Puerto Rico, Togo, Tanzania, Pakistan, Thailand, Russia, Somalia, Sudan and Ukraine.In our school, the faculty, staff and families consider McKinley not just a school, but a safe and welcoming community where there is no limit to the success they can achieve.
Click above to view our PA Department of Education School Performance Profile
FAQs | Overview | Video Tour
Dismissal Procedures: Afternoon Exits
Kindergarten and Pre-K exit through the garden.
Grade 2 exits from the side doors near the garden.
Grade 5 exits from the gym doors or the playground.
Grade 4 exits from the gym doors.
Grades 1 and 3 exit from the front doors.
Walkers exit from the back door in the Library
Arrival Procedures: Morning Entrances
Kindergarten and Pre-K enter at the side doors near the garden until 8:00 AM.
Grades 1, 2, 3, and 4 enter at the front of the building.
Grades 5 enter through the Gym doors until 8:00 AM.
After 8:00 AM all students will enter through the front doors.